Samba Pink Bicolor
So it's hot, possible on the miserable side in some places. Cool season flowers have vanished, tropical annuals are in full swing in the garden, and the dog days of summer are upon us. So you have a choice to sit back and relax or you can plug in portulacas!
Pazzaz® Nano Fuchsia
If you aren't sure what portulacas are they are virtually God's gift to the brown thumb gardener. These succulent tropical perennials, which are grown in the US as annuals, live on minimal fertilizer and minimal water. There are a few different foliage types from needle shaped to rounded and flat. The foliage is very thick for storing water; which allows them to go longer periods without rainfall. The cheery blooms are either single or double and come in a range of colors. The blooms are held upright on the spreading foliage and literally blanket the entire plants. In the evening the blooms close up only to open up again once the sun hits them the next day.
Pazzazz® Yellow Improved
To grow portulacas you will need a well-draining soil, a bit of fertilizer, and a little bit of water. Take a trowel and loosen up the soil where they will be planted and mix in a general all purpose fertilizer throughout the loose soil; following the instructions on the bag. Then plug in your portulaca and water in deep so that the roots make good contact with the existing soil. Then, mulch if desired and enjoy! If your area is above ninety when planting make sure to check the soil moisture everyday for a week and water as needed. After the first week they should have rooted into your soil and will be fine with regular rainfall the rest of the summer. In drought situations it is best to suppement water so that the blooming display is maintained.
All in all, if you are tired of time consuming annuals portulacas will garnish your garden with bold blooms that you can sit and enjoy!