Seems like everyone I know, that gardens, has a desire to grow large fruits. Whether it is a pumpkin, tomato, watermelon or even a pepper. The key component to growing large fruits is starting with a seed or plant that has that genetic trait. The Jupiter pepper has just this trait. The large bells are 4" across and 5"-6" long. I will admit never striving to grow a record winning gigantic bell pepper but if I was this is a variety I would start with.
Starting in the greenhouse as a young seedling the Jupiter pepper has strong traits of vigor and disease resisitance within that humid environment. We rarely lose seedlings on this variety and they almost always finish faster than the allocated time we set for peppers. For our own personal use we set plants out in the beginning of May and only need six plants because of their productivity. We fertilize with feather meal and sunflower hull ash mixed into the planting hole and then plant the transplants. Since, this variety gets tall and is laden with fruit we use small tomato cages to keep them from falling over; you can stake them as well. In about the end of June you can start harvesting green fruits or you can wait until about mid-July to harvest the fire engine red fruits. At both stages they are surprisingly sweet and can be used sauteed, for fresh eating with or without dips, stuffed, and for making pepper relish. They will set fruit until the first heavy frost (October here), so keep an eye on the weather during this time as you can cover them to extend the season or pick all the fruits off and prepare the garden for winter. The picked peppers will store quite a few weeks at 40 degrees without losing quality. Peppers unused during the growing season can be freezed or canned and both are great ways to have edible peppers during the cold months.
I honestly cannot say enough good things about the Jupiter pepper. This is a sincere testimony on this pepper and not a marketing gimmick. All in all, the Jupiter pepper has great foliage cover, sweet fruits, and impeccable performance. If you have never tried a larger bell pepper it is definitely worth giving it a go this upcoming growing season.
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